In light of the current steroids scandal in Major League Baseball, we want to know what you think the punishment should be for first-time offenders.
Currently, MLB suspends players 50 games for a first positive test, 100 games for a second offense and as much as a lifetime ban for a third offense.
In the NFL, the punishment for a first offense is four games, or one-quarter of a season. The second offense brings an eight-game suspension, and the third offense brings a one-year suspension.
The NBA’s policy is a 10-game suspension for the first offense, while the NHL has a 20-game suspension policy for first-time offenders.
So in your opinion, are any of these policies effective or should the penalties be stiffer? We’re making you the commissioner and giving you four options to choose from in the box on the left side of the screen. You tell us what you think the penalty should be, and we’ll count the votes.
The poll will remain open until 11:59 p.m. Sunday.