Phil Ridgway
Head coach, Bethlehem boys varsity soccer
• Birthplace: England
What are you listening to?
On my playlist, I have a lot of classical rock, pop and classical music … even some opera songs I like.
What have you been reading?
I read soccer magazines and some coaching books here and there. I read some Stephen King. “The Stand” is probably the last book I read.
What have you been watching on TV?
We like “The Walking Dead,” and then we watch “Masterpiece Theater” … a lot of mysteries. Apart from that, we don’t watch a lot of TV.
What was the last movie you saw?
We don’t really go to the movies that much. I did go see “The Lego Movie” with the kids.
What would your dream vacation be?
Probably, I’d like to visit Brazil … maybe go see Rio De Janiero. Or maybe, a European vacation like Spain or France.
What would your last meal be?
Probably chicken parmesan with spaghetti.
Who is the one person, dead or alive, you would most like to meet?
Probably someone like Winston Churchill … A true leader. And President Obama. If I could meet him, he’s someone I’d like to talk to.
What is your favorite local moment?
The Sectional (soccer) championships in 2006 and 2012 where the whole community was involved — especially in 2006, when we reached the state semifinals. Students, school administrators and parents all came down to Oneonta to watch us play.
If you could get the BC Hooligans (pep band) to play a song, what would it be?
I would probably say “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who.
Tell us something about you that people would find surprising.
I have four children, and my oldest son is autistic.