Dear editor,
We moved to the Town of Bethlehem 43 years ago. No idea of the town, no idea of the house we bought that was “on the other side of the bypass” but still had a Delmar post office address. We found a community that came together and worked together on various projects and it did not matter what label you wore. What has happened all these years is a very divisive town.
A “thank you” from the Supervisor to those involved in a police reform plan for all the work done was quite eye opening. Quote “Black Lives Matter in Bethlehem, our government, our schools and our community as a whole to address issues of systemic racism and trauma…..”
I believe ALL LIVES MATTER! Whether they are Asian, North American Indians, emigrants crossing the southern border, Middle Easterners, the 15,000 nursing home patients who died from COVID-19, the late (third trimester) aborted babies, small businesses who are the spine of our Town. I believe in RESPECT for people, even those whose opinions and views, lives and religions are different than mine. That to me is what makes this country, and town, a good place to live. Name calling and shouting is above all a TOTAL lack of RESPECT.
Marge Kanuk