Editor, The Spotlight;
Well, the leaves will soon be turning, and it is time for the annual bloodletting in the Bethlehem Democratic Party.
It is the only excitement in Bethlehem politics since if you are not a registered Democrat, you are basically disenfranchised.
Fortunately for the rest of us there are choices in other areas. Jim Fischer is a breath of fresh air. Tonko is a joke and needs to go. He slavishly follows the party line whether it is good for his constituents or not.
Rob Astorino has got to be better than that thug Cuomo. Even when I agree with Cuomo on an issue, like Charter Schools, he still sounds like Mussolini.
However, Democrats are not known for rational thought when it comes to politics. Maybe if enough Independents go to the polls perhaps there will be some hope and change!
Philip W. Carter