Editor, The Spotlight;
Bethlehem Opportunities Unlimited (BOU) held Bethlehem’s 2nd Annual Community Spelling Bee on April 4 at Bethlehem Central High School. The Spelling Bee is BOU’s primary fundraiser for its grant programs, which promote healthy activities for the youth in our community.
BOU is happy to report that the second “Bee” brought out twenty teams from our community. The competition was tight with some difficult words stumping even these talented teams. The winner was Journey Lane, sponsored by Aidan and Keiran McNay, and second place went to The Spic ‘N Span Spellers, staff from Slingerlands Elementary School, sponsored by Slingerlands Elementary PTO.
BOU would like to thank our volunteers that helped make the event possible: Judges Andrew Baker, Scott Landry, Dave Norman and Dianna Reagan; Word pronouncer Paula Fishbein, Speech Pathologist with BCSD; and Master of Ceremonies, Hamagrael Elementary Principal Dave Ksanznak. We would also like to thank our community’s businesses, schools and organizations that were participants, team and word sponsors, as well as those that donated food and other items. Our gratitude goes out to each of the following organizations and individuals who helped to make our event a success: Aidan and Keiran McNay; BCUEA; Bethlehem Central Community Foundation; Bethlehem Central Community Organization; Bethlehem Central Teachers Association; Bethlehem Police Officers Union; Bethlehem Police Supervisors Union; Dr’s. Bausback & McGarry – dentists; Eagle Elementary PTA; Elsmere Elementary PTA; Football Boosters; Glenmont Elementary PTA; John & Connie Clarkson; Kinderhook Bank; Price Chopper; School’s Out; Slingerlands Elementary PTO; Stewart’s Shops; The Bethlehem Children’s School; Thomas Pratt Jr & Associates; Word Sponsors; Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company; Glenmont Dental – Michael Conte; and Realty USA – Judi Gabler; TL Roe, CPA. The following individuals and businesses made donations to the event: Andriano’s Pizza; Balance Massage; Delmar Dental PC; I Love Books; Linda Miller; and Lou Bea’s Pizza. The committee would also like to recognize: BCHS Custodial Staff; BCHS Office Staff; BCHS Student Help Desk; BCSD Communications Dept.; Bethlehem Youth Court Volunteers; Main Square Shoppes; and Nick Nealon. We look forward to working with all of you at our third “Bee” next Spring!
Jayne Deane-White
President, BOU