Editor, The Spotlight:
Thank you, yes thank you for continuing to publish the many details concerning all DWI/DWAI/related arrests in the region. I just received the Jan. 8 edition which impressively lists details of too-numerous DWI/DWAI/related arrests.
That “police blotter” section of the newspaper alone makes the $30 per year subscription worthwhile, and I always clip out and save stories of every such dangerous, needless and sad DWI/DWAI/related arrests.
I still cannot understand why a few persons drive when their ability to do so safely and maturely is impaired, e.g., by alcohol and/or drugs, and it is sometimes maddening to read about such happenings week after week…but it is important and ultimately heartening to keep the “spotlight” on these drivers who endanger themselves and everyone else sharing the public roads.
And it is scary because I’ve heard and read that the impaired motorists are sometimes not self-aware, not realizing their judgment, reaction times, sensory perceptions, and general “situational awareness” is so skewed.
Please keep up the noble work on coverage of DWI/DWAI/related crimes, and thank you for referring to related collisions and crashes using those terms, and not terms such as “accident.” To me and I imagine to EMTs, law enforcement, and many other aware and professional personnel, there is no such thing as a drunk-driving “accident.”
And thank you, law enforcement personnel, for striving to keep all our public roads safe for all, and for promptly, thoroughly and punitively dealing with any motorists or others who endanger us with their poor/impaired/distracted judgment and awareness while driving.
John W. Morse