Editor, The Spotlight:
I would like thank the voters in Bethlehem for supporting my campaign for election to the Town Council. I was gratified to receive the backing of some 4,221 voters who agreed with my position on issues of taxation, economic development, and the Bethlehem IDA.
My campaign broke with tradition in that my colleagues and I did not run to promote any particular political power structure. We chose instead to represent a platform built upon democratic principles and the belief that the best government is one that embraces concepts from every political ideology. We ran with a coalition of ideas and with the support of Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives and Inde-pendence Party members and independent voters from every part of our community.
We now know that 4,221 votes are not enough to secure representation on the Town Board. But the democratic process is ongoing and so too is our campaign for the issues upon which 4,221 people agree: we must reduce property taxes; we must encourage businesses to locate in Bethlehem by providing a business friendly atmosphere; we need the Bethlehem Industrial Development Agency to make better use of tax incentives to affect real, tangible benefit for our Town; and we must protect our first amendment rights by fixing the ?sign law?.
Election day 2013 is in the past but the campaign for fairness, social justice, and good government continues. Please stay engaged; we need sustained citizen participation and the support of a loyal opposition to ensure that our democratic traditions endure.
Dan Cunningham