Editor, The Spotlight:
I want to thank Bethlehem’s voters for allowing me the privilege of serving as Town Supervisor for another term. It is a great responsibility, not entered into lightly, and I will do my very best to reward your choice.
Of course, as in any election, there are disappointed candidates and voters. Please be assured that I will always strive to represent all of the citizens, and the entire town. Political parties and campaigns are a necessary component of democracy, but after the election we must all turn to governance, and partisan politics should play no role. Similarly, everyone in elective office must represent, serve, and respect the views and interests of every area of town. It’s my job as supervisor to do so.
I hope and expect that together with the Town Board, the wonderful town staff we have, and with robust participation in decision making by the public, that town government will continue to at least meet and very often exceed your expectations. As I’ve said many times, Bethlehem should lead, and if we are not setting the standard in every area of town government, we’ve not yet reached our potential. There is always more to do.
Thank you again, and please accept my very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season for everyone.
John Clarkson,
Town Supervisor