Editor, The Spotlight:
On Friday, Oct. 25, Elsmere Elementary School PTA hosted their annual Halloween Happenings event at the school. Halloween Happenings offers Elsmere Elementary School students and their families’ safe and fun Halloween activities. Activities included a DJ and dancing in the gym, storytelling and crafts in the library, and pizza and treats in the cafeteria. A Halloween themed bake sale was new to this year’s event. Local businesses generously donated goods and services to be raffled.
The Elsmere Elementary School PTA would like to acknowledge the following community individuals and businesses for their generous support: Balance Massage, BCHS Key Club, Bounce-A-Lot Party and Music Rentals, Choices Hair Studio, Delmar Printers, Dunkin Donuts, Elsmere School PTA volunteers, Elsmere School KTA, The Floral Garden, Four Corners Pharmacy, Hannaford Supermarkets, Honest Weight Food CoOp, I Love Books, Joyelle’s Jewelers, Katie Diamond/Mary Kay Consultant, Murray’s Pizza, Nelson Dental Healthcare, The Paper Mill, Peaceful Inspirations, Peyster Street Designs, RCS Student Volunteers, Shogun Restaurant, Tiny Tots Tea Room, and Wild Sage Designs.
Thank you to all who contributed to this being another successful event.
Heather Rutski and Pat Pascarella
Elsmere School PTA Halloween Happenings Committee
Melanie Kvam
PTA President