Editor, The Spotlight:
As a former Bethlehem town justice, town prosecutor and defense attorney for many years in the Bethlehem Town Court, I am quite familiar with and aware of the qualifications necessary to be a successful judge. That is why I am enthusiastically endorsing the candidacy of attorney Andy Kirby for Bethlehem town justice.
For almost 10 years, Andy has served as town prosecutor, working closely with the Bethlehem police, the court clerk’s office and the town judges to help administer justice in our court system. With his vast courtroom experience and knowledge of court procedures, together with his many years in private law practice, Andy is, by far, the most qualified candidate to be our new judge.
After over 50 years of legal and judicial experience, I am confident that I can recognize judicial character, temperament, knowledge of the law and dedication to our legal system. Andy possesses all of these essential qualities.
Therefore, I wholeheartedly support Andy Kirby for our new Bethlehem town justice this November.
Donald D. DeAngelis
Former Bethlehem town justice