Editor, The Spotlight:
It is with great respect and admiration that I ask the voters of Bethlehem to re-elect Nanci Moquin as our town clerk for a third consecutive term. Nanci has worked hard for the town and its residents for over 10 years, serving as town clerk for the past four. She has seamlessly and efficiently carried out the duties and responsibilities of her office, even during changes in administration. Nanci has continued and even enhanced many of the policies and procedures that were in place when she first took office in 2010.
In addition to providing increased security of the town’s records, Nanci has been instrumental in assisting the IT Department implement the system that video records town meetings for immediate or future viewing. She recently spearheaded a project where an outside contractor now routinely shreds and recycles confidential town documents, while providing a new source of revenue for the town.
Working with Nanci on a daily basis has proven to be both enlightening and rewarding. Her interactions with town officials, coworkers, and the public are always helpful and pleasant. No question or request is too large or too small for her to acknowledge, research, and respond.
Please join me in supporting Nanci Moquin as our town clerk by voting for her on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Julie Sagendorph
Bethlehem deputy town clerk