Editor, The Spotlight:
As a candidate for the Bethlehem Town Board, I bring a unique background to be considered. I grew up in North Bethlehem, then moved to Glenmont for 18 years before building our current home in South Bethlehem, 21 years ago. Over those years, I have seen many changes in the town and a lot of development occur.
Those changes concerned me so I became involved in the government of the town. I attended almost all the meetings for the Comprehensive Plan, Citizens Advisory Committee on Conservation and Agriculture and Farmland Study. I was a member of the Route 9W Study, 2012 Transition Team, Governance Committee and Comprehensive Plan Assessment Committee.
But most important, I have attended board meetings for a decade. At many meetings, I asked for more information and openness. I questioned unnecessary spending. I reminded our representatives that there are differing ideas that make up our town, and that small businesses and farms have many hurdles.
I have worked with residents from all areas of town, political ideologies and with many different views of government and our town. I have the depth of knowledge of the history and process of our current direction that is unmatched. With retirement from a career as an analyst and my daughter off to college, I now have the time to devote to a position on the Town Board.
Over the years, I have seen many candidates start to attend the Town Board meetings as they announce their run. However, I decided to run for Town Board because of my attendance, involvement and concern, as well as encouragement from many residents, including politicians from every party. I have never been involved in politics, although it is a requirement to run, the actions of government are my interest.
My family has three generations currently in Bethlehem with a fourth on the way. I look forward to serving all the generations and residents of Bethlehem.
Linda Jasinski
Candidate for Bethlehem Town Board