Editor, The Spotlight:
I want to add my name to the growing list of Bethlehem residents who are voting for Fred DiMaggio for Bethlehem town supervisor this November. At this point in our history, Bethlehem needs someone at the helm that can demonstrate true leadership and real direction. Fred DiMaggio is the only person running who can provide that leadership.
Ten years ago, Bethlehem reinvigorated its leadership when we elected Terri Egan as our supervisor. Terri was a refreshing change that brought new energy, ideas and talent in our town government. However, in the years that have followed that initiative and creativity we voted for has been lost. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to regain that same momentum – the same type of new ideas, energy and leadership needed for our town to be able to cope and be successful in these changing times.
Experience! Fred has a wealth of experience that lends itself to the new challenges we face as a community. The current administration resorts to regressive ideas, looking at new taxes as their way to balance the budget, despite already high taxes. Instead of generating new ideas, the focus is on trying to increase patronage positions, attempting to take away our voice by taking away our vote. Fred has innovative solutions that are based on sound economic principles to reduce our costs and more importantly, reduce our taxes.
Honesty! The current administration leans on “spin” to cover ineptitude, unless it’s simply an effort to try to fool us with smoke and mirrors (i.e. a 12 percent tax increase is an 8 percent tax increase that’s within the 2 percent tax cap). Fred is a straight shooter who is and will be forthright and honest with residents. Currently, the Administration’s five-year vision is singular in nature – Increase taxes. Fred believes we can cut spending costs and grow our tax base in order to keep our taxes low. This formula is proven in other communities and certainly would work here. We just need someone like Fred with the experience and leadership to see it through.
Fred has the right background to make these changes. He’s worked statewide to grow our economy and create jobs. He knows how to help small business grow, with a history of working to help small business thrive in New York state. In fact, his experience includes running a small business himself. He’s the right choice because, as his brochure says, “He knows how to get the job done, because he’s already done it.”
Bethlehem needs the resurgence of energy, ideas and leadership, backed by honesty, integrity and experience. There is no one more talented, more qualified or more ready to manage the many demands of Bethlehem town government than Fred DiMaggio. I urge everyone to let their voice be heard through their vote – join me on Nov. 5 and vote for Fred DiMaggio for Bethlehem town supervisor.
Peter Potter