Editor, The Spotlight:
Voting is about “choice” and this year we can choose from among a field of dedicated candidates for the Bethlehem Town Council. Newcomer Dan Cunningham, who is running for the Board, offers a unique record of experience and accomplishment that recommends him for this position.
Cunningham has lengthy experience in finance, early stage investing, governmental accounting, education and, more recently, community organizing. Earlier this year he co-lead a grass-roots campaign of organized opposition to Town Referendum No. 1 which would have stripped us of our voting rights. As we all know Dan and his partners in the “Vote No” effort prevailed and our voting rights were preserved.
Dan is running on a platform that includes: cutting taxes; restructuring the Bethlehem Industrial Agency to stop the tax giveaways; and an economic development plan that monetizes commercial areas that already exist within the town.
Cunningham has a record of results in his career and in service to the electorate in Bethlehem. His campaign platform offers an action plan for moving Bethlehem forward to a brighter future. For my money, Dan is the man with the plan and I urge you to vote for him on Nov. 5.
Margaret Putnam