Bethlehem voters need to remind themselves that the town has been taken over by a sort of coup d’état of “reform” Democrats who hope to remake Bethlehem in their image. As someone who does not belong to any political party, I would like to see a diversity of viewpoints in our town government. Just as we periodically do water main flushing, it is time to flush out our town government. Single party rule, regardless of the party, needs to end. The election of the new slate of candidates would result in a Republican supervisor, Independence and Conservative board members and still maintain two Democratic members. Sounds like diversity to me.
Electing Clarkson’s handpicked highway superintendent candidate, lack of work experience and qualifications aside, would have the result of undoing the special election in the spring. So the choice is up to the full electorate, party affiliated and non-affiliated. Like the school board elections, town elections are often ignored by many residents. Yet these are the elections that impact on us most directly. Vote and drag your friends out to vote. This really is in your hands!
Philip W. Carter