Editor, The Spotlight:
I’ve been watching politics for a long time in Bethlehem and have been a Democrat all my life. I’m also a friend and supporter of John Clarkson, our town supervisor; and I want to see him reelected, so you know where I’m coming from. Here’s why I support him.
First and foremost, John Clarkson is genuine. He’ll tell you what he thinks even if he knows you might disagree. That doesn’t mean he won’t listen, consider your point of view, and try to find middle ground. But he doesn’t just tell you just what he thinks you want to hear. We’ve all seen politicians – incumbents and wanna-be’s – who do nothing but pander and promise. They won’t even go near problems where there’s controversy. John isn’t that type of guy, and that’s why he’s been able to do so much in a short time.
John ran for office in 2011 knowing full well that the town was facing a huge budget gap ($3.5 million). He walked door to door talking about the problem and how for years the town budget was balanced by spending down reserves, borrowing, and other financial shell games. Most of John’s career before running for supervisor was in finance and budgeting, and so he was the right guy at the right time.
John didn’t lay anyone off, but he also didn’t replace most of the people who left. That’s the right way to cut back, when you have to. He cut back in many areas, but didn’t eliminate the services people needed. He privatized the Colonial Acres golf course, despite stiff opposition; and now, instead of losing money, the town’s being paid by a private operator. John also saved money by modernizing operations and sharing work between town departments. Those steps not only saved money; they even won the town a special state award – totaling $776,000! This money can be used for tax relief or to pay to cover other costs.
Whether you like everything he did or not, at least you know John Clarkson stepped up to the plate. He cut spending and made do with less tax revenue that was the result of the end of Selkirk Cogen pilot payments. Even after all that cutting, property taxes had to go up some last year to cover part of the huge loss from Selkirk Cogen. None of this was easy, and that’s why there were over 20 public meetings to talk through the budget issues. He didn’t hide from the problem, and he dealt with it squarely and openly. As a result, the town is in good financial shape this year. The town will be below the tax cap again, but town employees will be able to get a 2 percent cost of living bump. That’s good management, and that’s just what we need.
Everything John has done is about saving money and maintaining services. I know you’ll hear from people saying they can do better, but none of them stepped up and took responsibility last year when we needed it. John Clarkson did, and that’s why he’ll get my vote.
Lou Picarazzi