Editor, The Spotlight:
I am very proud of my daughter, Linda Jasinski, as she runs for Town Board after many years of being involved in the town government. Her involvement has not been with the political parties, her interest is in the government itself. She believes government should represent all the residents of town and be efficient in its use of taxpayer money. Linda wants a vibrant future for the town that is affordable for us now and to future generations.
Most of all, Linda believes in resident involvement, people on all levels from every background should be heard by their government. I want to encourage people to attend the community meetings that she and her running mates will be holding over the next few weeks. The first is scheduled at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sep. 19, at the Selkirk No. 2 Firehouse in Glenmont, with another to follow on Thursday, Sept. 26 at Selkirk No. 3 Firehouse in South Bethlehem at 7 p.m.
I know she wants to hear what you have to say, no matter what party or area of town you are from. This election will be a unique opportunity in Bethlehem to bring a diverse government that crosses hamlet communities, party lines, and socioeconomic status. Please take advantage of it.
Robert Jasinski