Editor, The Spotlight:
I want to express my strong support for Terry Ritz, who is running for superintendent of highways in the Sept. 10 primary election. Terry is the most qualified candidate for this important position, one of the most accountable in town government. Terry Ritz is best suited to continue the fine service that our citizens have come to expect from this office.
You will recall the special referendum held this spring, when Supervisor Clarkson and the Town Board sought to take away your right to choose and replace it with a political appointee. This attempt was rejected by an overwhelming margin, despite efforts to suppress voter turnout. While alleged to be of little interest to the public, the superintendent of highways contest now has four candidates competing for it.
By both experience and preparation, Terry Ritz is best suited to build upon the fine service that we have come to expect. Terry has worked for the Town of Bethlehem Department of Public Works for the past 27 years. He is the only candidate that has performed the duties and undertaken specific training for this position. He is well respected by his peers and has a vision of how to efficiently and cost-effectively improve services. Terry has also served our community as a volunteer fireman and chief of the South Bethlehem Fire Department.
We have come to expect excellent snow plowing, leaf and yard waste pick up and paving and road maintenance services. With Terry’s leadership, these services will not only continue but be improved upon. In addition, he will also address the closure of the town’s compost facility and the scaling back of hours at the town’s transfer station.
Terry is endorsed by the Bethlehem Republican Committee and the Albany County Conservative party. However, he faces a primary on the Republican line. As a member of the Independence Party, Terry is also seeking that line in the upcoming primary. I am proud to have Terry Ritz as my running mate on our “Bethlehem United” non-partisan, coalition slate.
I respectfully request your support for Terry Ritz in the Sept. 10 primary election. I look forward to running with Terry this fall and winning in the general election on Nov. 5.
Fred Di Maggio
Candidate for Bethlehem supervisor