Editor, The Spotlight:
Based on my experience with our court system, I am enthusiastically supporting Andy Kirby to become Bethlehem’s next town justice.
I was the Town of Bethlehem Justice Court clerk for over 30 years and served 11 town justices. During that same time, I had the privilege to work with several assistant district attorneys and town prosecutors, including Andy Kirby from 2004 until my retirement in 2008.
As a town prosecutor, Andy has consistently exhibited the professionalism, expertise, fairness and compassion that the residents of Bethlehem deserve. His many years of legal practice, together with his near decades of experience as one of our town prosecutors, makes Andy the best choice for town justice. He knows the law; he knows our court; he knows our community and he will work tirelessly to administer justice fairly and expeditiously.
As a result of his many years of experience in many different areas, he has the background to deal with the many different issues that need to be resolved by our town justice. I am confident that Andy Kirby is the best candidate for Bethlehem’s next Town Justice and I ask that you support him with your vote on Sept. 10.
Barbara Hodom