Editor, The Spotlight:
The Onesquethaw Union Cemetery Association Officers and Board of Directors want to publicly thank the generous people who made donations to help us repair the damages to our cemetery caused by the hurricanes.
In order to continue to maintain our Cemetery in the manner it has been in the past, we are again asking for donations, which can be sent in care of Frederick Crounse, 1889 Tarrytown Road, Feura Bush, NY 12067. Donations and lot sales are the main income for the cemetery.
If you are interested in purchasing a lot or would like further information, you can contact our Superintendent at 756-9670; or stop by our booth at the Clarksville Heritage Days on Aug. 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stop by and say hello, and view our exhibit.
Ethie Moak, Clarksville