Editor, The Spotlight:
We, the founders and organizers of Freedom Fest 13, want to thank you, The Spotlight newspaper and your reporter, John Purcell, for the very favorable story you ran in your paper on June 19. Thank you for an unbiased and encouraging story.
We also would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheriff Craig Apple for his inspiring talk. And also the many other encouraging speakers that spoke from the podium, such as Steve McLaughlin, Deb Busch, George Amedore, Pete Lopez and the 16 or so other grassroots organization speakers too numerous to name here, but awesome to listen to from the Freedom Fest podium.
Also, we have to thankful for the musical entertainment talents of (international recording artist) John Houston hailing from North Carolina. Also, national recording artists Revealer, plus local bands, Mind Set, For God and Country, Squeeze Play, Jack Covey and his guitar and 12-year-old Elyssa Demarest. Starr Tryon also did an excellent job of reciting Patrick Henrys famous speech “give me Liberty or give me death.”
We also extend our thanks to the 13th NY Cavalry and their Civil War reenactments, WWII Living History encampments and the Native American Display. We deeply thank all the amateur and professional Colonial and British reenactors who recreated Paul Revere’s ride and the shot heard around the world at Lexington and Concord. Bang up job guys!
Next, the superb job done by the dozen men who played our founding fathers and signed the Declaration of Independence right before our eyes. Wow!
We also have to thank our emcees. Friday: Jack Covey, the singing Marine and Saturday: Melody Burns, 1300AM talk radio host.
Now, a special thanks to our family and friends who labored many days clearing brush, building a stage, repairing the overlook deck, building picnic tables, props, parking, greeters and the long list of things that go on behind the scenes to put together an event of this size.
And a very, very special thanks has to go to Hannay Reels and Rogar and Sherely Hannay for their Founding Father levels of sponsorship which encouraged four dozens or so of other local businesses to join the effort and by whose support made this weekend possible. See our website for the complete list, freedomfest13.com.
Oh, and another very special thanks has to go to Camp Pinnacle for partnering with us and using their campus to bring this special Freedom Fest 13 to the community. So thank you again, all of you, including the 800 citizens who passed through our gates this weekend to enjoy this not for profit, no admission charged three-day event.
Bill and Jill Tryon
Founders, Freedom Fest