Editor, The Spotlight:
I just emailed this to our Bethlehem Central Board of Eduation. I think our public deserves to know this also.
Last year at the graduation ceremony for the class of 2012, I was dismayed and truthfully disgusted to witness the lack of respect shown when our National Anthem was played.
This behavior was not only by about 30 percent of the persons in the bleachers, but by MOST of those on the platform which included the Superintendent, BOE and administrators. You are the people educating our children. Please set the example.
Proper behavior when the National Anthem is played or sung is for everyone to face the flag (if one is present) and stand at attention (basically with feet together and back straight), placing the right hand, palm open, over the heart. Remain in this position until the Anthem is completed. Any persons in uniform render a military salute. Veterans in civilian attire may also render the military salute.
I would ask that the Class of 2013 be instructed at their rehearsal as to the proper behavior and that the members on the platform also be informed. Let’s show that respect due.
Richard Vanderbilt, Feura Bush
Master Sergeant (Retired), U.S. Army