Editor, The Spotlight:
It appears to be evident by the recent turn out of voters, that there is a majority of Bethlehem residents who do not agree with the manner in which the current supervisor chooses to try to dictate to the town residents his way of governing. The referendum vote is a reminder to all those in “elected” positions that they have the trust from the town residents to offer their support and the ability to stand strong in opposition when faced with the “system of town government currently seated,” trying to manipulate and dictate to the majority their individual opinion on how they think the town should be run. The town government is to run as a democracy and not a dictatorship. Residents should continue to take the time to attend the bi-monthly Town Board meetings to observe and take notice of the interaction or lack thereof between the elected officials and the resident taxpayers. Whether you take the time to attend in person or observe the meeting via the WebCam coverage it won’t take long for the opinion to be drawn that the current supervisor and select Town Board members are not making decisions in the best interest of the majority of Bethlehem residents.
The recent referendum vote is the most recent statement by the majority of voters that change needs to happen and those changes need to be made through the right to vote. The fact that the “appointment” process was not acceptable to the majority of town voters are the voices the current elected officials should be listening to. It is not up to the town supervisor and the Town Board members to make the decisions about the town’s future without the input from the residents who elected at the time to put them in their current seats.
Let us not forget that along with the importance of the referendum vote there should also be the recognition of the many veterans who fought and gave their lives to secure our freedom and for the right to vote. Their ultimate sacrifice gives each individual the freedom to make a choice and have a voice. At no time, in any level of government should there ever be a concession or direct action to have this right taken away.
As residents of the Town of Bethlehem it is important to take the time to observe and question when necessary the actions or lack thereof from our elected officials. Recent media coverage of our town should lead us all to recognizing in November 2013 there needs to be a change in our elected officials – it is up to each and every one of us to exercise our right to vote and make that change happen. God Bless America!
Kenneth Bell, Jr., Delmar