Editor, The Spotlight:
Christine Beck should be elected to the Bethlehem Central Board of Education. She is the perfect combination of a concerned parent of three children (at each level) in the district, and a taxpayer with legitimate concerns about the impact of escalating education costs on the Town’s residents.
Christine has 24 years business experience in project management, budget analysis, process improvement and quality assurance. She was treasurer of the Glenmont PTA for three years and was on the committee to select the current principal. She is actively involved in numerous school related committees for each of her three children. Christine knows how to conduct an in-depth analysis of business processes and identify cost saving measures. She also knows how to effectively work with people. Her experiences and active involvement through the years demonstrate her ability to work as a team player and are precisely the skills needed to address the serious financial issues facing the school district.
Most importantly, Christine has a keen sense of what questions to ask and will not be afraid to ask them. What programs are essential to the district’s mission of educating our children? How can the district set priorities? How can the district project budget needs into the future to ensure that money spent today is not wasted tomorrow? What is the cost per student of the district’s programs? What is the impact of unfunded mandates and how can the district work cooperatively with other school districts to address mutual concerns?
Christine’s objective in running for the School Board is to ensure the district’s success and prosperity without overburdening taxpayers. She recognizes the value of informed community input in the district’s planning and budget process and will keep an open mind to any and concerns raised by district residents. For these reasons, I intend to vote for Christine on May 21.
Lisa Wilkinson, Delmar