Editor, The Spotlight:
I am writing regarding the upcoming vote on eliminating the elected position of Superintendent of Highways.
I encourage residents to give deep thought to this issue before they cast their votes.
All municipalities are facing serious budget and revenue problems; however, I have deep concerns about the elimination of an elected position.
If this referendum passes, it will take away the right of our citizens to vote for a decision-making position that affects our quality of life in this community. With the political corruption that exists at all levels of government, we should be very wary of relinquishing our right to vote in any circumstance. It is a slippery slope when we begin to decrease elected positions.
Appointees will almost certainly be like-minded individuals who will be inclined to agree on most issues with those who have appointed them.
If we surround ourselves with people who think like us, and agree with us, we lose the chance to learn from those with opposite views. We begin to see only one side of issues, and lack the chance for our own opinions and ideas to evolve. Fair government and good problem solving require the balance of differing viewpoints.
I am not willing to give up my right to vote for the Superintendent of Highways in Bethlehem.
Susan Peters