Editor, The Spotlight:
Wake up Bethlehem!
While you are resting, Town of Bethlehem officials are about to take away some of your personal liberties in the form of voting.
Governments, whether federal, state, county and in this case, our own Town of Bethlehem, is chipping away at our freedom. Governments tell us what to eat, what to drink, how to drive our cars and now, how to vote, or more correctly, how not to vote.
If the proposal to abolish voting for highway superintendent is approved by voters on Tuesday, April 30, the floodgates will open to do the very same thins for the offices of town clerk and receiver. And it doesn’t stop there. The power brokers in Bethlehem want to extend the two-year term of town supervisor to four years. You lose again because you can vote only every four years rather than the present and successful two-year term.
Don’t let anyone take away your voting rights. Make it your job to be at Bethlehem Town Hall on April 30, from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m., to say “no” to giving up your right which has served us well for over 100 years.
People all over the world are dying for freedom and here in Bethlehem our leaders are trying to take it away. Don’t let it happen! When freedom is gone, it will never return. Take a stand for liberty.
Kenneth Hahn, former Bethlehem receiver of taxes