Editor, The Spotlight:
On February 22-24, the Bethlehem Youth Hockey Pee Wee A (U12) team hosted the NYSAHA Sectionals at the Bethlehem YMCA. This was the second elimination round to qualify teams for the State Tournament where the top teams in the state will compete. A sort of Stanley Cup Playoffs of youth hockey, if you will. The managers and staff of the YMCA were so supportive in helping the Sectional event take place and providing us with the means to have concessions, raffle tables and a great environment to host teams from Watertown, Canton, Glens Falls and Saratoga.
Coming out of that weekend, the Bethlehem Pee Wee A team took second place and will now be representing the northern zone, along with our Bethlehem Midget (U18) team, at the State Championship round in Buffalo on March 8-10! This is a tremendous accomplishment for these teams and Bethlehem hockey, and it would not be possible without the continued support of the YMCA and the rink facility here in Bethlehem.
Many of the players on our team took their first steps on skates at open ice sessions at the Y. They continued to develop their skills over the years at Learn-to-Skate and Learn-to-Play programs offered there, as well as team practices and games held at the Y. With over 200 players currently in the youth hockey program, the Bethlehem YMCA has been an integral part of the development of these kids’ skills, love of hockey and sense of community pride.
As we head to States this week, we just wanted to say “thanks” for your support of youth hockey in the Bethlehem community.
Karen Hewison, Delmar