Editor, The Spotlight:
I am astounded that the Town of Bethlehem and the Bethlehem School District continue to cling to the premise that it is appropriate for Elsmere Elementary School children to cross Delaware Avenue midblock, when walking to and from school. Delaware Avenue, at the location of Elsmere School, is four lanes wide and not the type of roadway where drivers expect to stop for pedestrians. This is a recipe for disaster! And there is no need to put our children and crossing guards at such risk. One hundred yards away is a traffic light, with pedestrian crosswalks and a dedicated cycle for pedestrian crossing. The town is fortunate to have such an asset. Why aren’t we using it? Our children would be better served if the crossing guards were charged with preventing midblock crossing at the school and instructing students on how to negotiate the signalized intersection. Isn’t this what we want our children to learn – to be responsible pedestrians?
Vicky Forando, Delmar