Editor, The Spotlight:
On behalf of Bethlehem Central School District’s Holiday Caring and Sharing Program, we would like to thank the many sponsors for their contributions in making this year’s Program a tremendous success! Due to the generosity and commitment of each of the following individuals and organizations over 300 children received food and gifts this Holiday Season.
We would like to acknowledge the following community sponsors:
Bethlehem Central Middle School PTA Bethlehem Democratic Committee; Bethlehem Families II; Bethlehem Lutheran Church; Bethlehem Police Benevolent Association; Bethlehem Preschool Inc.; Dr. and Mrs. Peter Burkart; Choices Hair Studio; Clarksville Community Church; Cindy Daley & Family; Delmar Crafters; Delmar Reformed Church; Delmar Rotary; Fritts & Lachapelle; Glenmont Community Church; Hamagrael PTA; The Hedderman Family; Hornick & Campbell; The Keezer Family & Friends; Keystone Architectural Services; Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lipnick; The Meckler Family; Mr. & Mrs. Harrie Patrick; Realty USA; Sabic; Security Supply Corporation; Slingerlands Elementary PTA; St. Thomas Church; Vintage Merlots’ Red Hatters; The Walters Family; and, the Bethlehem YMCA.
We would also like to acknowledge the following Bethlehem Central School District sponsors for their substantial involvement in this year’s Program:
The BCSD Admin-istration; High School Guidance & Support Staff; Middle School Secretaries; Operation & Maintenance Staff; Transportation Staff; The Faculty, Students, and Staff of the High School, Middle School, Eagle, Elsmere, Glenmont, Hamagrael, and Slingerlands Elementary Schools; and, The Riegel All-stars at Eagle Elementary.
And, lastly it should be noted that the Holiday Caring and Sharing Program would not exist without the dedicated work of our District School Nurses: Stacie Decker, Kathy Betzhold, Molly Fusco, Monica Vail, Francie Gransbury, Annmarie Marsh, Beth Callahan, Laura Collier, and Mary Ann Bruno; our High School Guidance Counselors Scott Carlton, Kate Burkart, Ryan St. John, Lisa Carr, and Deb Zeh. Each of these individuals invested much time and effort in working with students and families in a confidential and uplifting manner; as well as working with the students and staff in their buildings to support the school-wide food drives.
A special note of appreciation goes to Nan Lanahan; and, the staff at the Town of Bethlehem’s Office of Parks and Recreation, for their continued support in accommodating our District’s Holiday Program. Their graciousness and assistance to our staff and community members was very much appreciated. We would also like to extend a sincere thanks to the Bethlehem Community Fund, (formerly The Bethlehem Festival Fund), for continuing to generously provide turkeys for all of the families in the Holiday Caring and Sharing Program.
We would like to also acknowledge and thank Sandy Morley (retired BCMS Principal); Pat Burkart (retired BCMS nurse); and Kim Watson (BCMS Secretary). The food and gift distribution would not have happened without the tremendous assistance of Ron Shelmerdine and his staff, Tom Meyer, Rich Augar, and Joe Ryan, from BCSD’s Operation and Maintenance Department; and Penny Palaygi (Elementary Guidance); and, Kim Panaro (BCMS Social Worker).
– JoAnn Menrath, program coordinator
– Jody Monroe, Assistant Superintendent BCSD