Editor, The Spotlight:
As the election season comes to a close, I would like to thank all of the people who supported my campaign for the Bethlehem Town Board with their time and effort. I could not have been successful without the commitment and dedication of many citizens who have put their faith in me to work for a better Bethlehem. As a first time candidate for elective office, election night was a new experience for me. My supporters and I watched the results come in and we were thrilled as the vote totals rose beyond my expectations.
The voters of Bethlehem have selected me to represent them, and I accept this responsibility with both humility and dedication. I will strive to represent all the citizens of Bethlehem as the public servant that I have been my entire professional career.
The town of Bethlehem faces a difficult budget situation. However, I believe we can and should work together on innovative strategies that support the entire Bethlehem community. We need a partnership of government, community groups, businesses and citizens of Bethlehem working together for the common good. I welcome comments, suggestions and ideas for ways to enhance the Bethlehem community. Please contact me on Facebook (bill-reinhardt-for-bethlehem-town -board). Working together, we can make Bethlehem the best it can be.
Bill Reinhardt
Councilman-elect, Bethlehem Town Board