Editor, The Spotlight:
Since losing our precious 12 year old son to brain cancer I have been on a quest to learn all I can about childhood cancer. A frightening statistic I have learned is that pediatric cancer has been increasing at the rate of about 1% each year in the United States since the mid 1980’s.
First, I want to be clear; I am not blaming my son’s cancer on hydraulic fracturing. But here’s my point: We are now engaged in the fracking debate; Economy/Jobs vs. Health/Environment. While I appreciate the economy/jobs argument I cannot accept it. The cost in health, safety and life is much too great. To willingly allow toxic and volatile compounds to be injected deep into the earth is to intentionally contaminate the land where we live, grow food, raise livestock and draw our water. Does anyone truly believe toxic compounds will not leach into these vital life source areas? Additionally, fracturing is believed to compromise air quality as methane and VOCs (volatile organic compounds) enter our atmosphere and the air we breathe.
My intent is simple; become informed before you join the fracking debate. Consider the possibility that greed, to whatever extent, may compromise the future health of this generation and those that follow. The radio and TV commercials created by the gas proponents say…“Safe, Responsible Development – Get NY Working Again”. I say, prove it! Show us the complete list of ALL the chemical substances used in this process and let’s hear from the experts who are not on the corporate payroll.
Wyoming, Louisiana, Utah, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Texas and yes, even New York (which is accepting waste water from fracking operations in Pennsylvania) have already made the tragic mistake and now suffer drinking water contamination with high concentrations of salts, acids, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, radioactive materials, and other chemicals. Why would we intentionally want to continue with such a hazardous project? Start by watching this video: “Fracking Hell: The Untold Story – YouTube”. Please folks, do the research yourself and then let your voice be heard!
The writer is co-founder and president of www.Tyler DeMarcoFoundation.org.
Don DeMarco