Editor, The Spotlight:
Politics has no place in the election of judges. Legislatures pass laws; judges should follow them apolitically. 14 year Supreme Court terms make it imperative we know whom we support. John Silvestri clearly articulates some of his prime concerns.
In addition to his legal practice, John works with prosecutors, police agencies, the VA and veteran’s organizations helping distressed veterans. Our soldiers sometimes come home facing additional stresses of unemployment. foreclosures, and domestic situations. Some suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder related to combat; women are increasingly coming forward with PTSD as the result of Military Sexual Trauma. Too often veterans self medicate rather than awaiting official help. Drugs and alcohol involve them with the law. John believes that we need special tracking for veterans to deal with their problems. He believes appropriate veterans ought to be given plea bargains to enroll in VA rehabilitation programs rather than being incarcerated.
Silvestri is also a long-time advocate against domestic violence. “Violence is cyclical passing down the generations.” As a law guardian, he has represented children of domestic abuse long enough to see grandchildren engaging in destructive behavior. John advocates for an Integrated Domestic Violence Court within the Supreme Court System that holds perpetrators accountable and reviews progress reports from counselors and family members, as a step in the right direction. He also believes that judges, as part of continuing legal education, be required to learn about domestic violence and abuse so “they can do justice for and understand the behavior of victims and perpetrators of such behavior.”
He is aware of the administrative challenges of the Supreme Court. He will work for more judicious use of their allocated budget.
Regardless of political party, please vote for John Silvestri for Supreme Court. He has the intelligence, administrative ability and wisdom to be the kind of judge we need.
John Goldberg
Saratoga Springs