Editor, The Spotlight:
Earlier this year, AARP launched “You’ve Earned a Say,” a national conversation about the future of Social Security and Medicare, to engage citizens in communities across the country. To date, tens of thousands of New Yorkers, shared their thoughts through surveys, community conversations, forums, teletown hall sessions and other activities.
Through this conversation, AARP is providing voters with balanced information about the pros and cons of Medicare and Social Security proposals that are being debated in Washington and on the campaign trail — minus the political jargon and spin.
Although some candidates and political campaigns took advantage this election season and used AARP’s logo and quote out of context in political ads, AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to either political campaigns or candidates.
The next president and Congress will likely decide the future of Medicare and Social Security. AARP believes candidates owe voters more than 30 second sound bites on their plans for the future of these programs.
Our voters’ guide, available today on earnedasay.org, enables voters to find out where the candidates stand on Medicare, Social Security and financial security.
We encourage AARP members and New Yorkers of all ages to ask questions about where the candidates stand on these important issues, that are important not only to today’s retirees but future retirees as well so they can make their own decisions on Election Day.
Marilyn Pinsky
President, AARP New York State