Editor, The Spotlight:
I am proud of Assemblyman Tony Jordan for keeping his word to local families here in Saratoga County and delivering us real results in Albany. Politicians tend to make a lot of promises – Mr. Jordan promised to cap our property taxes, lower our income taxes and grow our regional economy.
Tony has kept his promises and I can already see the results of his efforts. We have lower income taxes, a statewide property tax cap and he has directed millions of dollars to the area to help rejuvenate our economy. Clearly people have taken notice; Tony was selected to lead legislative debates for the Assembly Minority Conference, where he has focused on giving us relief from job-killing taxes, fees and regulations.
All too often, politicians forget the people and issues that got them into office in the first place, but I know that Tony Jordan will continue to work hard for our community and build on the successes of these past few years.
Please join me on November 6 and cast your vote for Tony Jordan.
Dave Patterson
Saratoga Springs