Editor, Spotlight:
Unlike many suburban communities without any form of mass transit, we are fortunate to have a bus service. This service, operated by the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA), runs seven days a week. It runs along the main spine of our community – Delaware Avenue connecting us with downtown Albany. It also links us to the library, post office, and Price Chopper Plaza within town.
I often ride the bus from Delmar to Albany. I have occasionally ridden it to the Price Chopper Plaza. When my children were young, their first exposure to public transit was the adventure of a bus ride into Albany from Delmar. Once they got older, it gave them the freedom to go on trips of their own into the “City”. They have carried that early experience throughout their lives and they still use mass transit when they can.
So why do I ride the bus ?
• It does take longer, but I get to read and relax instead of worrying about driving.
• The bus drivers are friendly.
• It makes me plan my trip instead of just hopping in the car at a whim.
• It is inexpensive – $1.50 per ride or $0.75 for seniors over 65.
• I get more exercise by walking to and from the bus stop.
• I am supporting a transportation alternative that will hopefully be there when I can no longer drive.
• I don’t have to worry about parking.
• It saves me gas and wear and tear on my car.
My suggestion to the residents of Delmar is that you try the bus sometime. Take the kids for a bus ride. Use it to connect with places around town. Take a trip into Albany to go to an event or visit a museum. We are privileged to have this service. CDTA is always evaluating service based on ridership. If we don’t use it, we could lose it, so I encourage you to join me and take the bus whenever you can.
For information on routes and schedules check out www.cdta.org.
Chuck Manning, Elsmere