Editor, The Spotlight:
The Bethlehem Democratic Committee’s biennial organizational meeting on Oct. 1 marked the culmination of a relatively tumultuous period in the history of our organization. The committee elected an entirely new slate of officers, and I had the honor of being elected chairman. As a member of the Bethlehem Town Board, my first and highest obligation will always be to help govern the town to the best of my abilities and in the interest of all of the citizens of Bethlehem. No other position can interfere with my discharge of that sacred trust. That having been said, I thank the members of the Bethlehem Democratic Committee for their support and continued devotion to our community. I also want to express my appreciation to all of the citizens of Bethlehem who voted in the Democratic and other party primaries on Sept. 13.
I also want to thank my predecessor as chairman, Matthew Clyne. I honor Matt for his service and know that he will continue to make positive contributions to the committee and our community.
The committee now has dozens of new and energetic members who are dedicated to reform and strengthening the organization through increased transparency and participation. The 62 members of the Bethlehem Democratic Committee are the heart of the organization and liaisons between their neighbors and the national party. Committee members volunteer for the vital but sometimes unsung work that allows our democracy to function, such as collecting petition signatures required to get candidates on the ballot and distributing literature to help inform voters about local issues. Given their importance, all committee members are entitled to a voice in the organization’s most important decisions.
At the end of the day, the Bethlehem Democratic Committee exists to make our town a better place. Although every member of the committee is bound by our belief in the democratic process and the principles and policies of the Democratic Party, our activities should not and will not be limited to running candidates for office. We will continue to support community groups and charities and to do our utmost to function as a strong and beneficial force within the fabric of the Town of Bethlehem.
I am confident that with all of the members of the Bethlehem Democratic Committee working together we will be successful in electing Bill Reinhardt to the Bethlehem Town Board, Neil Breslin to the State Senate, Patricia Fahy to the State Assembly, David Soares as Albany County District Attorney and Paul Tonko to the U.S. House of Representatives. Members of the public are always invited to all of our events or to visit our website. I invite anyone who is interested to become more involved in the exciting future of the Bethlehem Democratic Committee as we work to keep Bethlehem a great place to live.
Jeffrey Kuhn
Councilman, Bethlehem Town Board