Editor, The Spotlight:
Concerned about your school taxes? The tax cap? Cuts to school programs? Programs you think the District should offer? You will have an opportunity to meet the candidates running for the Saratoga Springs Board of Education on May 10, in the High School Library at 7 p.m. This event will be held whether or not the seats are contested.
The League of Women Voters of Saratoga County will facilitate a roundtable discussion with the candidates and there will be ample opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about the way the school district is run and resources are allocated.
What? You absolutely can’t make it on May 10? You still have a way to become an informed voter. Beginning on May 3 you will be able to see pictures of the candidates on Vote411 and read their responses to questions that the LWV has posed. Access this Voters’ Guide by going to www.lwvsaratoga and following the link.
One of the questions the candidates will be answering is: What are the key components of a quality education and what is necessary to achieve the goal of providing a quality education to students in the district?
There will be three Saratoga Springs Board of Education seats up for election or reelection on May 15. All school districts statewide will be holding their budget votes and elections for board members on that date. Become informed, and then vote.
Ann Kril
Voter Services Chair
League of Women Voters of Saratoga County