Editor, The Spotlight
The recent Democratic primary demonstrated that Bethlehem is tired of obvious political maneuvering by political candidates and parties. Now it is a three way race. But, the political parties are still trying to control the process. Elections seem to focus on electoral politics rather than the issues that concern voters.
According to the Times Union recently September, , the local Democratic Party is starting to line up behind Mr. Clarkson. And only yesterday, he was playing dirty according to the direct mail from Kotary. It seems politics as usual. To date, it appears that the Democrats are sitting on a fence,
Government actions also continue as usual. Both other candidates come from government employment with little other work experience. I have held senior positions in international corporations, management positions at the School of Management, and consulting for private companies and universities. My experience would bring non-governmental eyes to the game. This is important at this time of limited funds and a need to shift strategies to accommodate this limitation.
I ask that Bethlehem voters you consider me as an alternative to party politics and government business as usual. This would strengthen the message that citizens want control of their local politics and changes in the way government business is done. I represent that choice.
Richard Reeves-Ellington
WFP candidate for Bethlehem Supervisor