Abraham Lincoln once said, “Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out. It will wear well and will be remembered long after the prism of politeness or the complexion of courtesy has faded away.”
This holds true even as we struggle to keep our spirits up amid increasingly contentious public discourse and seek moments of connection with our fellow human beings that spark joy. Kindness matters. And you matter to us. That’s why we’re bringing back our Kindness Matters campaign and inviting you to pay kindness forward.
• In the coming weeks, we’ll be inviting you to share acts of kindness you’ve experienced or been a part of by tagging the library on social media using #BPLKindness. Those who participate in our weekly Kindness Matters challenges in January will be entered to win some great Kindness Matters goodies.
• You might also find some special surprises in your Book or Media Bundle request, along with personal notes from library staff. Go to www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/book-bundle-request to sign up for a Book or Media Bundle.
• Check our calendar this month and next for take and make craft kits that will be available for children while supplies last. Children are encouraged to make the craft to gift to a family member, friend or neighbor. Visit bethlehem.librarycalendar.com to see what’s coming up.
• We’re showing teens that we care about them by offering Just for Me: Book Boxes filled with curated treats and books to keep. These are available to BCSD teens in grades 6-12; one per household. Sign up is open through Jan. 17. Boxes will be available for delivery or pickup in mid-February. To register for your Teen Book Box, visit www.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/teen-book-boxes.
Our Kindness Matters campaign is generously co-sponsored by the Friends of Bethlehem Public Library.
Speak up with Pronunciator
Did you resolve to learn a second language in the new year? Bethlehem cardholders can access Prononunciator on the library’s Research page at webapps.bethlehempubliclibrary.org/research.asp.
— Kristen Roberts