Christine McCarroll
Co-owner, Delmar Marketplace
• Hometown: Delmar
What are you listening to?
Yesterday (Thursday), I was out at a place and they had an oldies station on, and I started dancing to it. I like pop.
What have you been watching on TV?
It all depends. If he’s home (her husband, Jim), he’s a remote hog. I watch some of those reality shows … “The Bachelor,” I like “The Voice” and I do watch National Geographic and that kind of stuff.
What have you been reading?
(Author) James Patterson. I like a good, fast-moving story — something that moves well from beginning to end. I also like reading cookbooks.
What are your hobbies?
I like to paint. We like to boat. I like to cook, obviously. And I love to hang out with my two granddaughters.
What person would you like to meet, living or dead?
I would have liked to have a conversation with Maya Angelou.
What is your ideal vacation?
I’ve always wanted to go to a beer hall in Germany with my father and converse with the German people, but I can’t do that anymore. My dad died.
What would your last meal be?
That’s tough because there’s not much I don’t like. But if it were my last meal, it would have to be lamb chops.
What is one thing about you that would surprise people?
I went to my nephew’s wedding two weeks ago in Auburn, and he was marrying a Hunter. One of the guests at the wedding was (Vice President) Joe Biden. So, I’m now related to Joe Biden by marriage — Uncle Joe.