Cindy Pollard
Owner, Home Front Cafe
• Hometown: Albany
• Current home: Altamont
What are you listening to these days?
I love the music out of the early 40s and 50s. I like soft music. I love big band music.
What have you been watching on TV?
I like to watch “Shark Tank,” I just find it fun. I do watch “Dancing with the Stars” — I like the costuming. I watch “The Voice” occasionally. I used to like the History Channel, but I don’t like what it has become. I like things that are going to relax me.
What are you readng?
I recently finished reading “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand. I found that really interesting. Other than that, I read the newspapers every day.
What would your dream vacation be?
We have a time-share in Florida, and we have loved it because the same people come back every year. It is like going back to an old neighborhood. I have always wanted to see a redwood tree. I’d love to go to the Grand Canyon. If I were to go abroad, I would love to see Scotland … some of the old castles.
What would your last meal be?
If I could chew, it would be filet mignon. If I couldn’t chew, it would probably be spaghetti, one strand at a time.
What is your favorite local memory?
One of my favorite things was when we were trying to raise money for the World War II memorial in Altamont, and I wanted to involve my community. I thought if we could raise a $1,000 and send it in to the village, it would be wonderful. We ended up having such a successful campaign that we raised more than $17,000. I was very proud of that moment.
What is something about you that would surprise people to learn?
I am probably shyer than they realized. I always was a shy person. It took some years of my getting confidence in myself to stand up and speak in front of people.