Geoffrey Kirkpatrick
Bethlehem Public Library Director
• Hometown: Ithaca, NY
How long have you lived in the Capital Region?
Lived here 23 years with 14 years at the library.
What are you listening to these days?
Getting ready to listen to a Terry Pratchett audio book, “Raising Steam.”
What are you reading?
I’m reading a lot of articles about Makerspaces for libraries. The 3D printer is part of that, along with the idea of making things in libraries. I just got back from a conference and there’s lots of excitement about the maker movement.
What are you watching?
Can’t get away from the “Big Bang Theory,” and my daughter makes me watch “Frozen” a lot.
What’s the last movie you watched?
“The Lego Movie.” We went and saw it last weekend.
Dream vacation?
I get to do it frequently. I love to go to the Adirondaks and go hiking, fishing and kayaking. But in my dream there are no black flies. Kayaking is my new passion. People don’t think librarians can be outdoorsy, but it’s not true.
Last meal?
Lobster from Maine. Last meal on Earth has got to be that.
Meet any person living or dead?
I would have loved to have had the chance to meet J.F.K. because it seems like the country was going someplace very interesting. It was a time that seemed like there was a lot of hope.
Favorite local moment?
I love the Memorial Day parade in Bethlehem. We were in it for the 100th anniversary of the library last year with my truck, and I felt like we were the rock stars of the community. Never felt like more of a hero in my life. Doing it again this year.
Something people would be surprised to learn about you?
I was born in Houston, Texas.