The author is the medical director of BlueShield of Northeastern New York and is a resident physician at Highland Hospital, which is affiliated with the University of Rochester.
Due to colds and the flu, this is the season when people have more contact with their doctors than any other.
As a busy physician in private practice, I recognize that patients may feel rushed or anxious at their office visits.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that most patients get only 15 to 20 minutes of face time with their doctors, so it’s important to be prepared and thorough when we do meet.
Trust yourself and your doctor
Trust what your body is telling you. If you notice changes in your health or general wellbeing, share your concerns and discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Trust him or her to let you know if or when any treatment may be helpful.
Organize your questions
Make a list of what you want to talk about with the most important concerns and/or questions at the top. Refer to your list during the visit, or show it to your doctor.
Organize background information on your health history.
List all your medications or bring them with you, so that your doctor can see dosages and scheduling. This will help your doctor prescribe new medications while avoiding drug interactions.
Create a profile of your overall health, including sleep, exercise and diet.
Bring any recent test results (including blood work), discharge sheets, or other hospital or outpatient information with you.
Bring your current insurance card to the visit, whether you have private insurance or a government-sponsored plan.
Bring a friend or family member
As many as 50 percent of patients forget what their doctor has told them after an office visit, so taking along a friend or close family member may be a good idea for you.
The person you bring can help remind you of important information to tell your doctor and help you remember the doctor’s response. They can also help you deal with serious concerns or surprises and help you focus on healing.
Set and understand your goals
When your doctor prescribes a medication, ask questions.
What does the medication do? How does it work?
Don’t simply accept a prescription. Be sure to follow dosage instructions and measure your progress. Measuring your progress will allow you to avoid being over- or under-medicated.
For example, if you are prescribed a medication to reduce your blood pressure, ask your doctor to state the goal clearly; you can then monitor your progress. Your doctor may alter your dose based on your progress.
Follow up
At the end of your visit, review your list of questions again.
Call your doctor’s office back promptly if your symptoms get worse or if you have problems with any prescribed medication or interaction between medications.
Test results can get lost or delayed. If you don’t get timely reports on your blood work, X-ray, scans, pap test, EKG, or colonoscopy, reach out to your doctor for an update. Remember, you are entitled to see everything in your medical file.
You can also request written reports and ask for an explanation of items that aren’t clear. Keep those written reports to share information with other doctors or clinicians, as necessary.
When going to an office visit, carry your health records with you in a wallet card or jump drive. When you are at home, be sure to keep them secure in a waterproof home safe.
Information is vital when it comes to your health, for both you and your doctor. Make the most of each visit by asking about all of your concerns and sharing important details about your health with your doctor.