Remember how contentious the first battle for New York’s 46th Senate District was between Cecilia Tkaczyk and George Amedore? Well, it looks like we’re in for another fight to the finish the second time around.
Tkaczyk and Amedore had their first debate Sept. 23 at Proctors’ GE Theatre in Schenectady, and they didn’t hold back. The incumbent senator criticized Amedore for his voting record on women’s rights, and Amedore made it clear he wouldn’t support any bill that codified Roe v. Wade into state law. Amedore also emphatically stated he would not support Common Core’s implementation, while Tkaczyk said she felt anything that would raise educational standards needs to be looked at, as long as the state also provides the necessary resources to make it work.
What took place two weeks ago was emblematic of how the first contest between Tkaczyk and Amedore went two years ago. In one of the most hotly contested state Senate races, the end result was a vote so close that it took weeks of absentee ballot counting and challenges before Tkaczyk was declared the winner.
Obviously, time did nothing to soften their views of each other, as they picked up basically right where they left off. Perhaps the points of contention were different, but the way they performed at this first debate made it clear this battle will be as hard fought as the first one.
This is where we, as voters, must be careful. We can’t allow ourselves to be led blindly into voting for Tkaczyk or Amedore based on the rhetoric. There will be a lot of misinformation thrown our way as they vie for our support. It’s up to us to do our due diligence and look at each candidate for who they are, not for who they say they are. Voting records can always be looked up on the Internet. You just have to do a quick search for the information.
And it’s very important that we make an informed decision. Whoever wins the 46th district race could decide what the majority political party is in the state Senate. The Democrats held onto their slim majority when Tkaczyk defeated Amedore, but it could swing the Republicans’ way if Amedore takes the rematch.
So voters of the 46th Senate District, be prepared for more mudslinging as Cecilia Tkaczyk and George Amedore revive their rivalry. Just remember to look beyond what is being said and make an informed decision come Nov. 4.