Spotlight Newspapers will be relocating come March.
The paper is moving its operations a short distance to 341 Delaware Ave. in Delmar. The offices were most recently home to Apollo Heating and Cooling, and are currently being renovated to fit the paper’s needs.
The location is a stone’s throw from Delmar’s Four Corners, and on a busy thoroughfare traveled by thousands every day. The paper’s owners made it a point to find suitable offices within the Town of Bethlehem, which has been the paper’s home for its 57 years in business.
The decision to move was predicated by a decision by the paper’s landlord to put up for sale the paper’s current offices at 125 Adams St. in Delmar.
While the impending sale was the immediate factor, the move will also give Spotlight Newspapers the opportunity to occupy a space better suited to its needs. Since Spotlight Newspapers first occupied its current offices decades ago, the paper, the print industry and the business environment in general have undergone dramatic changes.
“At one point, we had a print shop in the back and a consignment shop in the front,” said Publisher John McIntyre. “The space is not really conducive to our needs anymore.”
The Spotlight, like many other weeklies, now goes off site for printing of its five weekly papers covering the Capital District; two monthly publications focusing on parent and senior issues; and a variety of special supplements.
There will be no interruption in the paper’s operations or publishing schedule due to the move.
“Though making a big change in a deadline-oriented business is always a challenge, we are excited to open this new chapter in The Spotlight’s long history,” McIntyre said. “We look forward to continuing to serve our readers and customers from our new home.”
Spotlight Newspapers may still be reached by mail at P.O. Box 100, Delmar, NY 12054, or by email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected], depending on the nature of the inquiry.
The paper’s phone number will remain 439-4949.