Colonie voters should oppose Proposition 2 on this year’s ballot. Proposition 2 would extend the term of the town supervisor from two to four years. At face value, there does not seem to be anything wrong with this. But, if approved, this measure will harm future town elections.
Proposition 2 would move the town supervisor election to the same cycle as our most consequential county government elections (executive, sheriff, comptroller, and the town’s 10 county legislative races.) The problem is that it would leave three of our six Town Board races on a cycle with fewer and lower profile races, namely for county clerk and coroner. This new arrangement would depress turnout for future town election cycles where no supervisor or major county races are on the ballot (2025, 2029, 2033, and every four years after that.)
Many of us acknowledge that it is no longer practical for a supervisor of the largest town in our region to be limited just to a two-year term. However, Proposition 2 will correct one problem while creating another. That’s why Colonie voters should vote “No” on Proposition 2 to give the Colonie Town Board another opportunity to study our town government’s structure and election law thoroughly.
Ryan Horstmyer
Colonie Democratic Committee