DELMAR – To the Editor,
It was upsetting to read in the recent column “Bethlehem highway czar accused of ethics violation,” that our highway superintendent Mark Dorsey, upon learning that the ethics board had investigated and made a determination concerning his behavior, accused the town ethics board of executing a political hit job.
Such a serious allegation was apparently alleged without regard for the reputations of the ethics board members and amounts to an attack on our town government. This type of behavior brings nasty political partisanship to the local arena, something the party Mr. Dorsey represents claims to abhor.
The town board should be taking quick action on the determination of the ethics board so that voters can be aware of the circumstances surrounding the complaint. The silence of the town board on this type of threatening behavior by another town official is deafening.
We need to put ethics and the protection of the residents of Bethlehem above politics.
Barbara Collura, Delmar
Editor’s note: This letter will appear online only. Our policy is we do not run political or voting issue letters in print the Wed before election day.