This past Tuesday, I, along with my fellow candidates for Town Board, Jim Carriero, Maureen Cunningham, and David DeCancio engaged in a public forum to discuss Town issues. It was a thoughtful, civil, and valuable exchange of thoughts and ideas. Bethlehem should be proud.
Folks from the Spotlight, League of Women Voters, and Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce spent many hours organizing the logistical and technical aspects of the forum. Unfortunately, as most of us know from firsthand experience, technology is not always our friend. Proving this fact, there were considerable unforeseen audio issues that made much of Tuesday’s candidate forum difficult or near impossible to hear or understand.
Am I disappointed? Of course. Do I blame anyone or believe there was ill-intent behind the audio issues? Absolutely not. Stuff happens. Brush it off and move on.
After the forum, one of the organizers reached out to each of the candidates to personally apologize. My understanding is that every candidate was gracious in accepting that apology, as unnecessary as that apology was.
In writing this, all that I ask is that you not assume the worst. Each of the candidates was equally impacted, and it is what it is. David DeCancio, Maureen Cunningham, Jim Carriero, and I are all running for Town Board. Do your research. Make up your own mind. But please…please do not assume the worst about anyone.
Jim Foster,
Incumbent Republican Bethlehem Town Board candidate