On Election Day, Nov. 2, Bethlehem voters will be considering a referendum to fund a Complete Streets approach for the reconstruction of Delaware Avenue. I encourage everyone to vote YES on Prop. 6.
I think of this stretch of roadway as an “Avenue” in the full meaning of the word, as a tree-lined street through the center of our community. It is our “Main Street,” with many independent businesses that provide vital local services and amenities. In its current condition, it is an unattractive highway, and is unsafe for crossing pedestrians (especially children getting to the Elsmere Elementary School).
Many in Town are not aware that additional lanes were installed many decades ago, when the sensibility among transportation planners was to build arterials, by-passes, and other highway improvements designed to most efficiently move travelers from the suburbs and into urban centers, such as Albany. Throughout the country, we are seeing the shift to re-invest in our “Main Streets” and encourage multiple modes of travel, including walking, bicycling, and using mass-transit.
The proposed changes in the configuration of lanes (including bike lanes), reduced speed limits, and crosswalks will enhance safety, still providing efficient “through travel.” Delaware Avenue will be an attractive, vibrant amenity that reinforces the reasons many of us chose to live and work here.
David Barnet