To the Editor:
After living in several areas of the Capital Region, my family made Delmar our permanent home in large part because of its walkability, bikeability, and strong sense of place and community. Six years later, we’ve never looked back. Now, Bethlehem residents have the opportunity to build on the work the Town has done to make this a safe and desirable place to live by voting YES on Prop 6 on the November 2 ballot.
At its core, the Complete Streets project is about improving the safety of all who use and travel Delaware Avenue. I frequently drive on Delaware Avenue, for shopping, appointments, and commuting to and from work in downtown Albany. But exiting and entering businesses on Delaware is often a harrowing experience, especially at rush hour. The slowing down of traffic combined with the addition of a center turning lane and other road treatments will significantly improve the road’s safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. The added benefit will be the boost to local businesses along the corridor when this stretch of Delaware is made more inviting, welcoming, and safe. Much more information on the Complete Streets project can be found at
Delaware Avenue will undergo reconstruction to replace and repair aging water and sewer lines regardless of the outcome of the vote. By voting YES on Prop 6 we are also saying yes to an attractive, vibrant, and—most importantly—safer road for all who use it.
Laura DiBetta